
Our journey


In October of 2010 we began to feel stirred for what the next chapter in our lives in ministry would be. We had talked about church planting our entire married lives and knew it was a possible next step for us. When we drove through the Stillwater area early in the spring of 2012, we knew it could be our home. As we continued to talk with other church planters around Minnesota and make new connections with people in Stillwater, the doors began to open. Stillwater is full of history, charm, and beauty but also has a need for strong faith communities and true relationships with God.

We want to be a church that is known for what it is for and not what it is against.

We are called to do something creative to reach people who are not attending a church. We are for the broken, the hurting, the young families, the singles, the lonely, mistreated, the forgotten; we are for YOU. Our passion is to connect people with a God who is for them.   There is more, and the best is yet to come.


Our FamilyPastor Jarvis, Pastor Jane,
Sawyer, Charlie, Sadie and Sully